Giving Tuesday

Is there a place where you feel most accepted?

A time you knew you belonged?

An experience that shaped your life’s path, molded your values, confirmed that you are a part of something meaningful and important?

Detroit Waldorf School graduates say their journey through the years at this iconic educational institution set their course for a meaningful, purpose-driven life of compassion and success. This #GivingTuesday, please consider contributing to a child’s educational journey.

At this time of year, we are bombarded by consumption, buying gifts, celebrating holidays, and spending money in other ways, meaningful and otherwise. And then, along comes #GivingTuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, when we remember how powerful it is to contribute to the causes and communities that mean so much to us.

Your contribution to DWS helps us continue to offer this mindful and meaningful educational philosophy to metro Detroit families.

One family shared that their student came to DWS in third grade after several years at a fine public school, with wonderful teachers and good families. Yet, this student, who loves to learn and eagerly anticipated joining his older siblings in Kindergarten, resisted going to school in his early years because the teaching methods and educational environment did not resonate with his nature.

Since arriving at Waldorf four years ago, he has found his footing and his voice. “I love Waldorf,” he says. “I love the way they teach. I love every day.”

Playing outside. Weaving art with words. Exploring science, history, and language. Knowing he is welcome as he is, free to speak his mind, accepted for his unique gifts.


Teachers at public and private high schools who receive Waldorf graduates remark that students who’ve walked the Waldorf Way are attentive, engaged, participatory in the learning process. They are happy, confident, content.

This is a preview of what you support when you donate to Detroit Waldorf School. Your dollars build confidence. Your contribution creates innovative future leaders.

As Mother Teresa said, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”  

This #GivingTuesday, please share your love of Detroit Waldorf School with a gift to help us foster a future generation of compassionate, free-thinking, resilient individuals.

If you’d like to give in other ways, please constant Jineesa Stowell at

Lynne GolodnerComment