Faculty: Kalyse Edmondson

First Grade Class Teacher

Kalyse has been educating children for over 20 years in schools and fine arts programs across southeastern Michigan. She has worked with institutions such as The Detroit Historical Museum, The Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History, and The Henry Ford. Kalyse holds a BFA in Digital Media Production, and is the founder of the youth theater troupe, Jamii Youth Theatre. A partnership with the Detroit City Lions, a non profit based out of the Marygrove Conservancy. Kalyse is also the co-founder of Timbre Community Chorus which is based here at DWS. Kalyse joined the staff as a substitute during the Winter of 2020, she taught vocal music to 2nd through 5th grades for two years, and is currently in her final year of Waldorf teacher training at Sunbridge Institute in New York. In her spare time Kalyse enjoys biking, singing, nature trails, making music, traveling, camping, swimming, photography, gardening, cooking, and spending time with her fur babies and her non-fur baby.

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