Update: Due to the current pandemic, we are suspending the Parent-Child program for the 2023-24 school year. Join the mailing list and we will contact you when new classes are available.

Bunny Class

Parent and Child Program for children who are walking - 27 months (2.25 years)   

A Wonderful Introduction to Detroit Waldorf School!

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Our Bunny Parent-Child Program provides the opportunity for children who are walking to 27 months (by session start date) to come together with their peers and their beloved caregiver in an environment that is safe, calm, developmentally appropriate and emotionally nurturing.

This unique program meets one day a week, as young children are tenderly guided through the gentle rhythm of each class including play and discovery, a simple circle time and song, providing them with a rich experience of music and rhyme. Children’s natural wonder and curiosity are encouraged through imaginative play with simple and natural toys and materials, which support motor development, language development, emotional development, and social skills.

Parents and caregivers can participate in an array of activities under the guidance of an experienced Waldorf Early Childhood teacher. These activities include, Waldorf artistic projects, discussions about child development, parenting issues and Waldorf Education, bread baking and more!

Class Offerings include: free play, simple circle time (movement, songs, finger play, nursery rhymes), snack preparation, outdoor play, observation, parenting discussions and exchange of ideas.

For questions, email rachellarosa@detroitwaldorf.org